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CBW By-Laws (effective 9/14/2011)

Article I: Name
This organization shall be known as the Chesapeake Bay Writers (CBW), a chapter of the Virginia Writer’s Club. Business may be conducted as the Chesapeake Bay Writers.

Article II: Objectives
The objectives of the CBW are: to further the craft of writing; to provide members with opportunities for connecting and exchanging ideas with others who share similar interests; to assist and encourage members in their efforts to achieve their writing-related goals; to offer educational and informative programs about writing and marketing finished works.

Article III: Membership
Membership is open to any person who has a sincere interest in pursuing the art and craft of writing, in improving or enhancing their writing skills, or in exploring writing and publishing opportunities. The CBW will actively seek to attract and serve members from the Middle Peninsula, the Northern Neck and the Williamsburg area. These areas shall include the city of Williamsburg and the following counties: James City, Charles City, Essex, Gloucester, Mathews, Northumberland, Richmond, Westmoreland, Lancaster, Middlesex, King & Queen, King William (Town of West Point) and New Kent. With merger of the CBW and James-York Chapters of the Virginia Writers Club, the CBW will also seek to attract and serve members from the cities of Hampton, Newport News and Poquoson as well as from York County (including the communities of Tabb, Grafton, Dare, Seaford and Yorktown).

Article IV: Officers and Directors
The Board of Directors is comprised of the following Officers: President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer. Additional members of the board include the immediate Past President, and four Directors at Large.

The President may assign duties to the four At Large Directors, as agreed to by the Board. Such duties include Newsletter Editor, Webmaster, Membership, Publicity and Special Events (e.g.; Workshops) Coordinator and other such functions as may arise.

The President and Vice-President may serve no more than two consecutive two-year terms in the same office. The Secretary, Treasurer, and four Directors at Large are exempt from term limitations.

In circumstances where the full Board cannot be convened or the business conducted by e-mail, the four Officers shall serve as the executive committee in business matters.

Elections will be held at the first meeting of each even-numbered year. A nominating committee chosen by the Board of Directors shall propose a slate of candidates. Nominations may also be made from the floor at the time of the election as long as the person(s) so nominated have agreed to serve. Approval requires a majority vote of voting members present.

In the event of a vacancy in the office of President, the Vice-President shall assume the office and duties of the President. In the event of other vacancies in the Officers or Members of the Board, including a vacancy in the Vice-Presidency caused by the VP’s succession to the presidency, the Board shall choose a member to serve out the unexpired term of the person whose office has been vacated. This selection shall be subject to the approval of the membership at the next scheduled meeting. Approval shall require a majority vote of members present.

Article V: Committees, Committee Chairpersons
Such committees and committee chairpersons as are needed for the conduct of club activities shall be appointed by the President with the concurrence of the Board of Directors.

Article VI: Meetings
There shall be at least five General Membership meetings per year on dates to be determined at the first Board meeting of the year. Times and places will be selected and announced at least thirty days prior to the meetings. All general meetings are open to the public (non-members). The Board may set a registration deadline for all meetings. As a general rule, members must have registered and paid all required fees by that date. If the treasurer makes an exception, it is understood that payment must be in hand prior to the meeting. Refunds may be granted for cancellations received before the meeting date, but only if the CBW is not obligated to pay a third party vendor on behalf of the person or persons making the cancellation.

Article VII: Dues and Fees
Annual dues shall be paid by January 1 of that year. Members who have not paid dues by March 1 shall be considered lapsed and will be dropped from membership. Lapsed members may be reinstated by paying dues for the entire calendar year of reinstatement. A new membership application may be required at the discretion of the Board of Directors. Applicants shall submit with their completed applications a check to cover dues in accordance with the schedule that follows: For Applications submitted between January 1st and June 30th, the Dues owed shall be for the full calendar year amount, as established and approved by the membership in the preceding calendar year. For applications submitted between July 1st and December 31st, the Dues owed shall be pro-rated at half the approved calendar year amount. The amount of dues and fees for the coming year shall be recommended by the Board and approved by the membership at the September/October meeting.

Article VIII: Amendments to Bylaws
Amendments to bylaws may be made by a two-thirds vote of members present at any General Membership meeting, provided that notice of the proposed amendment(s) have been communicated to the membership at least 30 days in advance of the meeting.

Article IX: Parliamentary Procedure
Business portions of all meetings shall be conducted in accordance with Robert’s Rules of Order. Any items not specifically covered by these Bylaws shall be in accordance with the most current revision of Robert’s Rules of Order.

Chesapeake Bay Writers
A 501c3 Non Profit
Founded in 1991, Chesapeake Bay Writers is a chapter of the Virginia Writers Club. CBW serves writers from the Middle Peninsula, the Northern Neck and Williamsburg and adjacent areas. 
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