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Deadline! Halloween Themed Anthology Submissions Due

Mon, Jun 30


Send submissions to Narielle Living

Deadline! Halloween Themed Anthology Submissions Due
Deadline! Halloween Themed Anthology Submissions Due

Time & Location

Jun 30, 2025, 11:50 PM – 11:55 PM

Send submissions to Narielle Living


About the event

Last year the Chesapeake Bay Writers collaborated with Blue Fortune Publishers to produce an anthology of Christmas stories. That volume came out November of 2024 and featured 12 short stories by CBW members.

That anthology has proven to be quite successful and we have decided to do it again! This one will be a Halloween collection.

Here are the basic rules  and I will add - you can submit more than one story. Also, treat this as you would any professional submission. Be sure to polish your work before submitting. Not every submission is guaranteed acceptance.

This is a unique benefit for members, as it gives them an opportunity to have a publishing credit through a traditional publisher. For this anthology, the following guidelines will apply:

 ·       The anthology is a Halloween-themed work;

·       Submissions are from CBW members only.

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Chesapeake Bay Writers
A 501c3 Non Profit
Founded in 1991, Chesapeake Bay Writers is a chapter of the Virginia Writers Club. CBW serves writers from the Middle Peninsula, the Northern Neck and Williamsburg and adjacent areas. 
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